In their book, The Aladdin Factor by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen they recommend making a list of 30 people that you’d like to meet in your life.

So, I made a list. They were mostly famous people. And you may be wondering, “How will you meet them?” My eldest son smirked at me and said, “How are you going to meet Rosa Parks?  She’s dead!”

I just smiled and said, “I’m leaving that up to God.” But later I wondered, “How. . .”

Meeting People on the List

Well, I met Rosa.  I know, you’re saying, “No you didn’t. I think she’s dead! “  And she is, but I did sit next to Rosa’s nephew on an airplane and we had a wonderful conversation. Rosa’s nephew shared a lot about his life and the wisdom his aunt had shared with him. It was about as close as I might get to meeting Rosa herself – this side of heaven.


Then I met a few more from my list and I said to God, “I admired these people and I thought of them as perfect human beings.  Now, I am disappointed.” I sensed something within me chiming back: in real life, no one is perfect.

Another list of 30!

Shortly after this, I started making another list.  And I said to God, “Who do you want me to meet? I am open. I am expectant. I am ready. “

The Blanks

In preparation for the meetings, I put a list of blanks on paper by my desk:  1. ______; 2. _______: 3. _______;  4_______.  .  .  .

The list started to fill up in a “laser moment” and many of these relationships grew. And, these became very important people (V.I.P.s) in the course of my life. Relationships help us find our first job; meet our spouses; make important decisions, etc.

So I have my lists. The famous list, with those whom I really wanted to meet and the path list, with those who came across my path and the relationship grew. The path list is priceless to me.

And I could go on because there are so many amazing people in my life. You know who you are.  You know if you’re on my list. And you may be saying, “Well, what’s the big deal? These people aren’t famous. They are nothing special.”

Well, maybe not to you!  But think of the people on your list and how they have helped you to get on with living out your purpose.  Their presence in your life is what helps you to cultivate important growth and direction in your life.

Leaving You With a Request

Put up a list of blanks and start filling them in. Be amazed by who you meet and how these connections work in powerful ways to help you along on life’s journey.

More info at: Email:  info[at]blvcoach[dot]com.