Easter Egg Surprise DIY

I love a good surprise. When I think of big surprises, my mind doesn’t wander much further than the biggest one of all – a rolled-away stone from an empty tomb. Despite all the ways Jesus tried to tell his believers his resurrection was going to happen, when the women...

The Laundry Dilemma

As a busy momma, I have found I have peaceful solitude twice a day. The first is early morning devotions, and the second is when the day is done. The house is quiet and I check in on what happened in the world. For the latter, sometimes I sneak in a conversation with...

My Day as a Diva

Laughter is my manna – especially when it floats down in unexpected moments and especially in the dark places of life. Last fall, I had a speaking engagement up north. I love traveling to speak and share my family’s story, but I hate going alone. Often, flying solo is...

Homemade Bath Bomb Fizzies

We are that family. We are the ones who love to plan and dream and peruse Pinterest for great crafting ideas, especially ideas for making gifts for family, friends, neighbors, and teachers. Long before Pinterest, I saved pages and pages ripped from magazines and...

Unexpected Christmas Savings

Back in the days when I was still a classroom teacher, my fellow educators used to give me a lot of good-natured ribbing over my choice to eat school lunch a couple days a week. My laughing rebuke reminded all present I was a college coach’s daughter and sometimes hot...