Look for the Helpers

Fred Rogers of Mr. Roger’s neighborhood fame once said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” And he’s right. Two days after Thanksgiving I had the...

I’m a Control Freak.

When the car lost control on loose gravel, fishtailing wildly only to end with an ominous smoking crash in the ditch, I knew immediately on impact that something was wrong. Hanging suspended from the lap seatbelt in the backseat behind the driver, I felt panicked by...

I’m a Recovering Perfectionist

I am a recovering perfectionist. And though I try to stifle the impulse, sometimes I’m reminded of it. Take the other day, for instance — I watch in slow motion as the Tupperware bowl of large, child-sized buttons falls off the table. They scatter, rolling...