Our Blog

Encouragement for every season of life

A Moment in Time

This week at work, my past came back to haunt me. It was a conversation, years ago, that helped correct a misunderstanding between two people. All told, it took five minutes from my day. I gained nothing from it. I simply noticed the misunderstanding unfolding and...

Just Do It

I was having a conversation with someone the other day about basic needs of teenagers. Since having that conversation I have come to decide that at least one of those needs is absolutely applicable to any age and stage of life. I believe that most people in the world...

What Do I Do with All This Zucchini

When I went to my oldest son’s college orientation, one of the speakers shared a story about how she was new to Minnesota and that she’d been told to be sure to lock her car doors in August. Not really understanding why, she ignored this advice and returned to her car...

Why Did God Make Me Human?

My daughter Jasmine started kindergarten this year. And although she loves the activity, friends, and fun each new day brings, she is also very tired. Going to school all day, everyday, and being just five years old is tough. So last night as I was putting Jasmine to...

It’s Complicated

Have you ever seen someone’s relationship status on Facebook explained as “It’s complicated”? It seems an apt description for a multitude of scenarios for many relationships in life. Our interactions with others can get sticky sometimes. Relationships take work. And...

The Chair

This is the story of the chair. Yes, THE chair. I needed the chair for stage decor for the Bridging the Gap Redeemed Retreat, and spent months keeping an eye open, expecting the search to be easy. An old chair with some character is tough to find. (Well, unless you...

What’s Your Lens?

I recently had someone completely misinterpret what I had written in one of my posts. At first I was upset, wondering how she could have thought I meant or implied something that I hadn't. But after thinking about her background and some of the hard times she has...

Healthy and Hearty Tomato Sauce Recipe

About 35 years ago, at the age of 28, I had a huge scare with breast cancer. That's when I began my journey toward eating healthy, before cooking holistically was even popular, like it is today. I often experimented until I found recipes that worked for our family,...

Renew Now

Guest Contributor: Shaunti Feldhahn is a wife and mom, as well as a popular speaker and best-selling author.  After receiving a graduate degree from Harvard, Shaunti started out on Wall Street, but now applies her analytical experience in a totally different...

Minnesota Bridging The Gap, Female Leadership, Women Leading, Thrive Conference

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