Our Blog
Encouragement for every season of lifeTaking Care of You
I don't think anyone would deny that these past few months have been challenging. Life has been anything but normal, and it can get overwhelming at times. It would be easy to beat yourself up by keeping a running list of all the things you think you should be doing or...
Flowers and Weeds
“You are a flower with such a sweet, wonderful fragrance! I bet that’s how people feel when they see you in the workplace,” my friend exuberantly proclaimed. While I appreciated her sincere compliment, I cringed inside knowing it wasn’t always true. Confessing to her...
Compare Brings the Despair Bear
Almost ten years ago, my husband and I bought a foreclosed house. There was not one wall inside that did not need remodeling of some kind. There were many refining moments throughout the process. We even realized we do not like the same colors. Our choices did not...
When We Don’t Trust That God is Good
A date night. A brief one, but a date nonetheless. The kids were finally old enough to be dropped off at church on Wednesday nights. Now my husband and I could finally get a much-needed hour and a half alone! We arrived at church early, in time to settle the kids in...
Starting to Slouch
I first noticed it sitting on the bleachers in high school. It worsened standing on my feet for hours on end when I worked at the dry cleaners. And with each pregnancy and subsequent stint nursing, it further deteriorated. By baby number five, it was done for - my...
Jesus First
I’ve been a serious Christian since fifth grade. Yet, for two years, I couldn’t stop doubting God’s existence. For over a year, I struggled with anxiety, fear, low self-esteem, and terrible thought patterns. I went through some really tough moments. I didn’t feel as...
Being Still… and Knowing
I first heard of the coronavirus months ago, a brief mention in a news report from halfway 'round the world. And since then? Now it has spread across the globe—nearly to my own doorstep. I'm trying to keep that door closed tight. From inside this door of mine, I wait,...
God in the Silence
I can remember those days so clearly—when my children and my husband had gone to school, and I was alone in a silent house. I loved the silence of the house when everyone else had left for the day, and I could feel the silence. I remember the ticking of the clock and...
Purging, Organizing, and Fresh Starts
Spring is the season of detoxing, purging, organizing, fresh starts, and new regimens—dejunking our lives and making great efforts to clean out all the toxins in our bodies and our houses. Ahhh, the freedom that comes from throwing out those lonely socks that have...
Mission Rwanda. Mission Redemption.
Packing for Rwanda was not a big deal. I sort of felt like I was going home, though I had never been to Rwanda. As a Missionary Kid from Tanzania, the neighbor to Rwanda, I knew there were many similarities; and like when I was 15 years old and heading to Africa for...