Our Blog
Encouragement for every season of lifeEpisode 60: Unlocking Your Identity in Christ w/ Hosanna Wong
Episode 60: a conversation with international speaker, best-selling author, and spoken word artist Hosanna Wong and our BTG Podcast host, Mykelti Blum. In this episode, you will hear about how Hosanna has used spoken word poetry to share the Gospel. She also shares...
Episode 59: The Lord’s Prayer Explained w/ Sarah Nyandoro
Episode 59: a conversation with author, mother, and nurse Sarah Nyandoro and our BTG Podcast host, Mykelti Blum. In this episode, you will hear Sarah share about the trials that brought her to studying the Lord's Prayer and why it became a vital part in her everyday...
Episode 58: Living an Unoffendable Life w/ Melissa Coleman
Episode 58: a conversation with lawyer and CEO Melissa Coleman and the BTG Podcast host, Mykelti Blum. In this episode, they talk about Melissa's experiences with offense in a highly offendable field and how you can grow toward becoming an unoffendable leader. Through...
Episode 57: Unpacking Thrive, PURSUIT, & the Devo Book w/ BTG Director, Angie Goetz, and Kristen Ostrem
Episode 57: a conversation with BTG Director, Angie Goetz, our Podcast host, Mykelti Blum, and Angie's assistant, Kristen Ostrem. In this episode, they talk about the Thrive conference, including what you can expect at this year's event, the heart behind the theme,...
Episode 56: The Old Testament’s Relevance for Today w/ Dr. Allen Tennison
Episode 56: a conversation with Dr. Allen Tennison--the recently-appointed Theological Counsel for the U.S. Assemblies of God and outgoing professor and Dean of the College of Church Leadership at North Central University--and our podcast host, Mykelti Blum. In this...
Episode 55: Introverts and Extroverts in Leadership w/ Bill Tibbetts ABD
Episode 55: a conversation with Professor and Dean of the College of Business and Technology at North Central University, Bill Tibbetts ABD, and our podcast host, Mykelti Blum. In this episode, you will them discuss what it means to lead and be led as an introvert or...
Episode 54: Faithful Through the Storm w/ Heidi Rausch
Episode 54: a conversation with pastor, realtor, wife, and mom, Heidi Rausch, and our podcast host, Mykelti Blum. In this episode, you will hear about the seasons of crisis and grief she has walked through and how she found herself learning to believe truths she had...
Episode 53: Jesus’ Authority for Moms w/ Jennifer Maggio
Episode 53: a conversation with author, speaker, wife, mom, and CEO of The Life of a Single Mom, Jennifer Maggio, and our podcast host, Mykelti Blum. In this episode, you will hear about the start of Jennifer's ministry, her devotional about peace, as well as her...
Episode 52: A Missionary’s Journey w/ Marlys Kingsriter
Episode 52: a conversation from September 2022 with mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother Marlys Kingsriter. Marlys and her husband, Del, were well-respected, influential Minnesota missionaries in Africa. In this episode, you will hear about some of her...
Episode 51: Servant Leadership & The Lund Leadership Award w/ Brandi Petruzzelli & Morgan Sundberg
Episode 51: a conversation with wife, mom, ministry & marketplace leader, and the first-ever Lund Leadership Award recipient, Brandi Petruzzelli, along with mom, doctoral student, and Brandi’s nominator, Morgan Sundberg, and our podcast host, Mykelti Blum. In this...