New Episodes Bi-Weekly
New Year, New Life?
“…but let God transform you into a new person…” Romans 12:2 January 1, 2018 - New Year's Morning It's a new day in a new year in a new life. Each day in Jesus can be new. "His mercies," the Bible teaches, "begin afresh each morning," (Lamentations 3:22-23). So, no...
When Marriage and Faith Don’t Match Up
Observing your own faith grow is a very magical, blessed experience. As women, we often have a strong desire to talk with others about the positive changes in our lives and to share our excitement in that regard. What happens when we try to share our interest and...
A Day of Rest
You know how sometimes you find yourself just dragging through the day? And then the day turns into days and you wish you could just WAKE UP! Well, that’s how I was feeling last week and I decided it was time to put an end to it. In the past, there have been times...