New Episodes Bi-Weekly

Welcome to the Bridging the Gap Podcast, where our mission is to help encourage, equip, and empower you in your faith journey with Jesus Christ!
Join our podcast host, Mykelti Blum, and incredible guests for authentic testimonies, equipping leadership tools, encouraging advice, and overall empowering conversations. These episodes will cover various topics that will leave you feeling refreshed, affirmed, challenged, joyful and closer to God! 


Reclaimed Parenting Priorities w/ Pastor Nick Grey

Episode 49: a recorded message from the 2022 Single Moms Retreat by lead pastor, husband, and father Nick Grey. In this episode, you will hear about Pastor Nick's story of being raised by a single mom, the great influence his mom had on his faith journey, as well as...

Financial Freedom in Marriage w/ Lisa Jones

Episode 48: a conversation with bestselling author, speaker, and coach Lisa Jones and our podcast host, Mykelti Blum. In this episode, Lisa shares about her journey in finding financial freedom, common struggles in marriage and finances, as well as how to prepare your...

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Podcast with Ashley Darkenwald
Podcast with Susie Larson

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