New Episodes Bi-Weekly

Welcome to the Bridging the Gap Podcast, where our mission is to help encourage, equip, and empower you in your faith journey with Jesus Christ!
Join our podcast host, Mykelti Blum, and incredible guests for authentic testimonies, equipping leadership tools, encouraging advice, and overall empowering conversations. These episodes will cover various topics that will leave you feeling refreshed, affirmed, challenged, joyful and closer to God! 


Don’t Settle for Close Enough

Don’t Settle for Close Enough

We have a lovely three-season porch where we eat most of our meals in the summer. It's also where I go to pray and read in the mornings. I have a lovely view of the lake and can breathe the cool morning air . . . it's comfortable . . . it's convenient . . . it's...

6 Books to Lift Your Spirits

6 Books to Lift Your Spirits

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just need a funny or feel-good book to lighten my mood a bit. This has never been truer than it is now, during this whole COVID season of life. If I start a book and it looks even remotely depressing, I’ll put it down and move...

5 Ways to Be Proactive Over Loneliness

5 Ways to Be Proactive Over Loneliness

A survey conducted well before the pandemic found that 75% of American adults feel lonely. Although I am sure we all understand the term loneliness, I found the dictionary definition to be enlightening. Webster defines loneliness as: sadness because one has no friends...

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Podcast with Ashley Darkenwald
Podcast with Susie Larson

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