New Episodes Bi-Weekly
Jesus First
I’ve been a serious Christian since fifth grade. Yet, for two years, I couldn’t stop doubting God’s existence. For over a year, I struggled with anxiety, fear, low self-esteem, and terrible thought patterns. I went through some really tough moments. I didn’t feel as...
Being Still… and Knowing
I first heard of the coronavirus months ago, a brief mention in a news report from halfway 'round the world. And since then? Now it has spread across the globe—nearly to my own doorstep. I'm trying to keep that door closed tight. From inside this door of mine, I wait,...
God in the Silence
I can remember those days so clearly—when my children and my husband had gone to school, and I was alone in a silent house. I loved the silence of the house when everyone else had left for the day, and I could feel the silence. I remember the ticking of the clock and...