New Episodes Bi-Weekly
Motherhood 2.0: Millennial-Style
I love to read. I work scattered hours as a freelance Sign Language Interpreter. I attempt to make food from scratch as often as possible while also having a second freezer full of frozen french fries, chicken nuggets, and the occasional bag of tater tots. I love to...
How to Make the Most of Easter in Quarantine
Social Distancing has changed much about our daily routines over the last several weeks. I hope that you have found some beauty in a simplified lifestyle and are starting to see a rhythm in this new, temporary normal. However, this has disrupted many celebrations...
Keeping Panic at Bay
A few years ago, I competed in a triathlon, which is quite a feat for someone who doesn't like getting her face wet. I knew if I could just stay afloat during the quarter-mile swim, I could do well with the biking and running segments. After all, I knew how to swim,...