New Episodes Bi-Weekly
Trustworthy Feelings
“Feelings never lie.” This line stood out to me in Shrek the Musical when I recently saw it. The musical was fun overall, but this one line bothered me. I think it was because it was just another one of numerous messages that I’ve been hearing about feelings...
I Am Not a Lone Tree
A few weeks ago, I experienced a series of symptoms that I later learned suggested a heart attack. I guess I missed the memo about cardiac symptoms. Who knew that dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, and sweating were indicators of a cardiac malfunction? Maybe you,...
Loaded with Blessings
My bags are packed, and I am ready to travel to a reunion of friends. The flight is leaving in three hours and before I leave for the airport, I take a few moments to read God’s Word and pray for my trip. As I open my Bible to Romans 15:23-29 I read about Paul’s...