New Episodes Bi-Weekly
Five Ways to Have a Merry Little Christmas
Our daughters were in elementary school when we took a Christmas road trip to Arizona to visit my husband’s snowbird parents. We left evergreens and snow for cacti and desert temps. And instead of a traditional Minnesota celebration with extended family, we served...
Buy Once, Give Twice
I love Christmas, but every now and then I need a little inspiration to help me choose the perfect gift for friends or family. Maybe you do, too. I especially love to give gifts that not only benefit the recipient, but also benefit others. This is not always possible,...
A Look at Substance Abuse
Neil Young writes a powerful song about heroin use and the damage wrought on people he knew and loved. My own father was a heavy drinker for as long as I can remember. He drank from the time he woke up until he passed out in his armchair at night. It created a very...