New Episodes Bi-Weekly
Beyond My Window
Tonight I caught myself gazing longingly out a window of my home. Completely lost in thought, I felt as though I was looking out into a world of vast unknowns. I was daydreaming about speaking engagements, publishing, traveling, and God’s plan for my life. I stood...
An A to Z Guide for Thanksgiving
A Acknowledge God as the source of all blessings! He himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. (Acts 17:25) B Be a blessing. “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will...
How Tall is a Giant?
One Sunday in church, my pastor spoke on the David and Goliath story described in 1 Samuel 17. This timeless story resonates in each of us as we go through different seasons of life. There are always new giants to overcome as we face health issues, relationship...