New Episodes Bi-Weekly

Welcome to the Bridging the Gap Podcast, where our mission is to help encourage, equip, and empower you in your faith journey with Jesus Christ!
Join our podcast host, Mykelti Blum, and incredible guests for authentic testimonies, equipping leadership tools, encouraging advice, and overall empowering conversations. These episodes will cover various topics that will leave you feeling refreshed, affirmed, challenged, joyful and closer to God! 


That Time I Locked My Baby in the Car

The day was gorgeous. It was the kind of summer day that keeps Minnesotans sane in the winter. You know the kind--where you forget about life and play hooky and drift off. Those days are NOT to be wasted, so I knew exactly where to go for mine. Lake Calhoun. My girls...

Hope in the Dark

Today, we're so excited to feature an excerpt from Craig Groeschel's book, Hope in the Dark. Don't forget to attend the Thrive Conference this fall to see Craig Groeschel speak more on hope! Hope is a funny thing. When you truly trust God, you have something to look...

The Self-Righteous Blame Game

I hear the comments. I read the comments. ...the comments of people on the "filtered" lives of others and how they aren’t real. ...the comments of people on the “filtered” photos of others and how they aren’t real. Well, in a sense, the lives and photos pictured are...

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Podcast with Ashley Darkenwald
Podcast with Susie Larson

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