New Episodes Bi-Weekly
Hidden In My Heart
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for – the evidence of things unseen.” I was talking to a friend last week, and she was trying to explain this verse in relation to our topic of the moment. She couldn’t quite pull the words up from the back roads of her mind,...
Three Steps to Help the Breathless Breathe
You don’t have to be a runner to be breathless. The woman in the express lane ahead of me was just that. She swiped her credit card, looked at me, and asked, “Do you have the day off?” “I do,” I said. “How about you?” She was flushed. “No, I’m trying to run as many...
Helped People Help People
I’ve heard several times in the last few years about how “hurt people hurt people,” and “we can’t give our children anything we don’t have and neither could our parents give us anything they didn’t have.” These two quotes have actually been really helpful reminders...