New Episodes Bi-Weekly
Proving a Point, Poolside
Sometimes women want to prove that we are right or capable of anything. Sometimes...ok, maybe often is a better word. This day was no different. The three most important men in my life were telling me that I “wouldn’t” do something. You see, we were enjoying an...
5 Things to See in Minnesota
Many Minnesota natives and out-of-state guests are looking for personal recommendations of the best things to do in Minnesota this summer. This makes a lot of sense, because when you Google “Things to see in Minnesota” and it gives you 53,500,000 results in .85...
Go Into All the World
Twelve years ago I sat in church listening to a missionary talk about things she had experienced as she served Christ in an Asian country. As I listened to her talk about miracle after miracle, I thought to myself, “I want to be part of that. I want to witness those...