New Episodes Bi-Weekly
Seeking and Receiving Our Gifts to Love and Lead
Today we are going to ask the Holy Spirit to show you some of the gifts in your life that he gave you with the intention of you using them to fulfill the corporate calling of the Church and your unique assignment. Because the seeking, receiving, and using of those...
Creating a Summer Bucket List
Last year, my kids and I tried out an experiment: A Summer Bucket List! We wrote out 60 things we’d like to do over the course of the summer, posted the list on our refrigerator, and started working our way through them. By the end of the summer, we had accomplished...
3 Ways to Bless Graduates
How many hands will you shake or hugs will you give this graduation season? Rae Jean is three for three, and that’s just with her kids: Each child of hers will graduate at a different level of the educational system this year. Teachers, youth leaders, and coaches...