Our Blog
Encouragement for every season of lifeTrustworthy Feelings
“Feelings never lie.” This line stood out to me in Shrek the Musical when I recently saw it. The musical was fun overall, but this one line bothered me. I think it was because it was just another one of numerous messages that I’ve been hearing about feelings...
I Am Not a Lone Tree
A few weeks ago, I experienced a series of symptoms that I later learned suggested a heart attack. I guess I missed the memo about cardiac symptoms. Who knew that dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, and sweating were indicators of a cardiac malfunction? Maybe you,...
Loaded with Blessings
My bags are packed, and I am ready to travel to a reunion of friends. The flight is leaving in three hours and before I leave for the airport, I take a few moments to read God’s Word and pray for my trip. As I open my Bible to Romans 15:23-29 I read about Paul’s...
How to Stop Zipping through the Holidays (and Your Life)
If you’re looking for a fun and festive game for all ages, this might be it: Zip Bong. Everyone sits in a circle and uses their lips to cover their teeth, pretending to be elderly. If you’re elderly, you have a clear advantage—no pretending for you. Someone begins the...
When the Evening Comes
We sang it again at church today—“Bless the Lord, oh my soul, oh, my soul, worship His holy name. Sing like never before, oh, my soul. Worship His holy name.” Some songs make it so easy to worship. “10,000 Reasons” by Matt Redman has me at hello...er… I mean bless....
Delicious and Nutritious Dinner Options for Busy Cooks
I’m not one of those women who loves to cook. Unfortunately, however, I am one of those women who loves to eat, so I’ve tried to find several meals that I can put together quickly. I don’t know about you, but I need those meal ideas during the Christmas season more...
Guardian God
I love to people watch. I find myself wondering about that couple at the table next to ours in the restaurant. Are they married? (I check their ring fingers) I try to guess their ages. (I’m sure they are older than me!) Do they enjoy life? I am nosy about their...
Dealing with Anger in Relationships
It was red! After discussing what color to stain the desk for our newly renovated living room, my husband had gone with red. Not only did red seem a little past its time, but I had decorated the rest of the room in navy and grey with pops of teal. I'm no Joanna...
If You Struggle to Make Small Talk
All I need today is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus. It’s a slogan on signs, t-shirts, and oversized coffee cups. Sunday morning coffee hour at church has a whole lot of coffee and Jesus, but what this introvert also needs is a whole lot of words for...
The 5 Senses: Protect Your Heart
“Follow your heart” is a phrase we hear often. It seems innocent enough. Many movies and television shows revolve around characters who follow their hearts, and the ending is usually happy. Yet God commands us to do the opposite. “The heart is deceitful above all...