Our Blog
Encouragement for every season of lifeHope in the Dark
Today, we're so excited to feature an excerpt from Craig Groeschel's book, Hope in the Dark. Don't forget to attend the Thrive Conference this fall to see Craig Groeschel speak more on hope! Hope is a funny thing. When you truly trust God, you have something to look...
A Trustworthy Leader
My all-time favorite leaders all had something in common; I felt safe and secure under their leadership. The biggest reason for these feelings of safety could be summed up in one word - trust. What caused me to trust them? What did they do or have that others did...
Unstressed Vacation Tips
Taking a road trip or airline flight somewhere this summer? Chances are that if you have kids of a certain age, you’re looking for ways to keep them occupied while on the road or in the air. With that in mind, we’ve compiled some of our best tips on how to make your...
Three Steps to Help the Breathless Breathe
You don’t have to be a runner to be breathless. The woman in the express lane ahead of me was just that. She swiped her credit card, looked at me, and asked, “Do you have the day off?” “I do,” I said. “How about you?” She was flushed. “No, I’m trying to run as many...
The Self-Righteous Blame Game
I hear the comments. I read the comments. ...the comments of people on the "filtered" lives of others and how they aren’t real. ...the comments of people on the “filtered” photos of others and how they aren’t real. Well, in a sense, the lives and photos pictured are...
How to Sound Like A Dinosaur
Parenting is tough. It just is. But it's also this wonderful, funny, silly, adventure. Last night, as per usual, my two preschool boys hopped on my back and began growling fiercely. In the evening, my generally adorable little children transform before my very eyes...
Why am I Overeating?
I am so full. I feel bloated and weighed down, yet I keep on eating. A handful of bean chips, the leftover broccoli, two slices of gluten-free pizza, a protein shake, etc. This was all after having a nice dinner of delicious homemade tacos. I am so full. What the...
Growing While You Wait
“Please wait,” I find myself saying regularly to my children these days. Whether they are both requesting something at the same time or talking to me while I’m in the middle of something else, I have this response at the ready. Sometimes I’m able to answer with...
Apple Juice & Orange Juice
As my parents’ first baby, I was the guinea pig on whom they developed their parenting style, the tiny human on whom they began to try all kinds of methods for sleep and feeding techniques. Once they had mastered that, I’m sure they expected that their subsequent...
Hidden In My Heart
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for – the evidence of things unseen.” I was talking to a friend last week, and she was trying to explain this verse in relation to our topic of the moment. She couldn’t quite pull the words up from the back roads of her mind,...