Our Blog

Encouragement for every season of life

My Secret Confession

I have a confession to make: I hate balloons. Yes, those brightly colored staples of any child’s birthday party. Yes, those bringers of happiness to hospital rooms the world over. Yes, those orbs that bob cheerily affixed to mailboxes so you don’t miss the turn to the...

Using Our Gifts to Love and Lead

By Jaci Loween There are intricate and beautiful threads of giftings woven together in the experiences (the easy and the hard), relationships (the easy and the hard), spiritual gifts and natural talents of each life. And the Holy Spirit can come and illuminate our...

The Importance of Worship

Worship is an amazing thing, isn't it? We step into the presence of the living God, the One who has literally bled and died for us, and we kneel before him. While we normally do this through song, I think worship can also be silent. It's a position of the heart. We...

Creating a Summer Bucket List

Last year, my kids and I tried out an experiment: A Summer Bucket List! We wrote out 60 things we’d like to do over the course of the summer, posted the list on our refrigerator, and started working our way through them. By the end of the summer, we had accomplished...

3 Ways to Bless Graduates

How many hands will you shake or hugs will you give this graduation season? Rae Jean is three for three, and that’s just with her kids: Each child of hers will graduate at a different level of the educational system this year. Teachers, youth leaders, and coaches...

An Extraordinary Life

Lately, I have struggled with life in general. Two years ago, I was diagnosed with a mental illness that basically stems from a core belief that I am worthless, along with dual fears of abandonment and rejection instilled in me during very traumatic formative years....

When Patience Isn’t Your Virtue

It was the store’s employee who directed me to the express lane. He would’ve made a different choice had he known how many products were packed into my small basket. But the dude behind me saw full well. And as the clerk rang up item after item, the man at the end of...

A Single Mom’s Experience at the Retreat

For years, Jaime’s friend had been encouraging her to attend Bridging the Gap’s Single Moms Retreat. But until last year, the timing just didn’t work out. When it came time to register for the 2017 retreat, she knew it was time, and God worked out all the details so...

Minnesota Bridging The Gap, Female Leadership, Women Leading, Thrive Conference

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