Our Blog

Encouragement for every season of life

You are Loved

My dear and precious sister, How the Lord longs to lift your face, to lift your eyes to his. How the Lord has seen everything you have been through: the pain, the unending hurt, the betrayal. He’s seen the fight. He has seen you fight until you felt like you have...

God, Use My Soiled Hands

It was a night like many others, maybe busier, when I heard the sweetest sound from my daughter’s room. “Mom, will you pray with me?” Don’t worry, this isn’t where I tell you this was the culmination of our perfectly orchestrated Bible times together or my own...

A Fire in My Head

Have you ever heard words coming out of your mouth and wonder where they came from? You have a fire in your head and it just came spewing out. My heart was hot within me, while I was musing the fire burned, then I spoke with my tongue. Psalm 39:3 (NASB) Recently I...

The Art of Cutting Back

It’s a lot easier to say we’re going to cut corners than it is to actually do it. But if life takes a temporary downturn, it might be necessary to make a few minor tweaks to the budget. Although I’m not a proponent for any specific grocery store, product, or service,...

Act Better Rather than Bitter

“Get rid of all hard feelings, anger and rage. Stop all fighting and lying. Don’t have anything to do with any kind of hatred. Be kind and tender to one another. Forgive one another, just as God forgave you because of what Christ has done.” Ephesians 4:31-32  (NIRV)...

How to Support a Single Mom

Parenting is difficult. Anyone with kids—or even without them—would tell you this. Parenting as a single, especially of more than one child, is downright exhausting. We see each other struggling regularly, but it’s hard to know how to support one another and it’s...

Are You Rich?

To all the rich of this world, I command you not to be wrapped in thoughts of pride over your prosperity, or rely on your wealth, for your riches are unreliable and nothing compared to the living God. Trust instead in the one who has lavished upon us all good things,...

Is Sugar Addiction a Real Thing?

I had a nutritionally-based DNA test done last year. The purpose was to help me understand how my DNA affected my eating habits and my metabolism. The 50+ page report was a bit overwhelming, but it was interesting. One of the things affected by your DNA is your...

A Promise for the Prodigal

She was fifteen, in the very middle of the turbulent teen years. She no longer confided in her mom; her friends were her confidantes. “It’s part of growing up,” I told myself. Everyone goes through this stage of trying to figure out who they are as an individual. When...

When God Asks, “What Is Your Name?”

It is a common question, isn’t it—What is your name? It is one of the first questions we ask or are asked when meeting someone for the first time. It is this little identifying label placed upon us by our parents when we were born. At times, our names have specific...

Minnesota Bridging The Gap, Female Leadership, Women Leading, Thrive Conference

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