Our Blog
Encouragement for every season of lifeThree Ways to Care for Friends Who Hurt
Our 4-year-old grandson Jackson is accident prone. Every bump and bruise has a story. “You should have seen it, Nana,” he said. “I fell off my bike and my face hit the ground before my hands.” One look at his noggin and I knew he spoke truth. He then pulled three...
Sprinkle Love All Around
Sprinkle Love All Around. This was my response to a Facebook group question, “If you wrote a song about recent experiences in your life, what would the title be?” I was thrilled when the immediate response that came out of my brain and flowed down through my...
Moving Forward or Going Back to Egypt
True story: The Book of Numbers is not usually on the top of my personal devotional Bible reading list. But one of my goals for 2018 is to read the entire Bible. I guess maybe it's a Christian version of the New Year's resolution. I've read the Bible cover-to-cover...
Snow Day Cookies
Snow days were a pretty foreign concept for me until I moved to the Midwest. In my defense, Florida schools didn’t have much reason to ever need a snow day. Hurricane days, well, that’s a different story. I also didn’t grow up knowing how the weight of winter bogs...
My Imperfect Hospitality
When I was a little girl, I remember my mom having the neighbors over for coffee on a somewhat regular basis. I always loved to sneak in and listen to them talk about what was going on in the neighborhood. Of course, my mom only tolerated my invasion for a short...
“Buttercup” Series is a Delight for Children {Book Review}
As a mom, I’m always on the lookout for books that are engaging and reinforce our family values. Wendy Dunham’s new series for children, “Tales of Buttercup Grove,” is a charmingly illustrated duo of books featuring woodland characters that easily meets my goals as a...
The Physics of Life
There is a time when your little one needs you for everything. They cry and you attend to their need. They stumble and you scoop them up and fix their pain. Their joy, sorrow, fear, worry, and anger is all yours because they are an overextension of you! And then all...
Mindful Movement
Conferences are events where we set aside time for growth, relationship building, and (hopefully) some fun. Conferences usually have a profound impact on me. I can point to major decisions and revelations that have emerged in my life after attending a growth-focused...
An A-to-Z Guide for Lent
A Acknowledge your desperate need for a Savior. “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned” (Romans 5:12). B Be brokenhearted over your sin. “For I know my...
Grief: There are No Rules
I’ve heard it said that every person is either going into a storm, in the middle of one, or on their way out of one. Grief is one of those storms. It crashes into our lives after the loss of beloved people or things, and it doesn’t behave in any clearly understandable...