Loaded with Blessings

Loaded with Blessings

My bags are packed, and I am ready to travel to a reunion of friends. The flight is leaving in three hours and before I leave for the airport, I take a few moments to read God’s Word and pray for my trip.  As I open my Bible to Romans 15:23-29 I read about Paul’s...
Guardian God

Guardian God

I love to people watch. I find myself wondering about that couple at the table next to ours in the restaurant. Are they married? (I check their ring fingers) I try to guess their ages. (I’m sure they are older than me!) Do they enjoy life? I am nosy about their...

Prescription for Life? Try Music

I really don’t like taking medications. Until I turned 60 years old, my medicine cabinet was empty, but now I am on four prescriptions. I have high hopes, though, of health improvements that will eliminate most of them. There is one prescription I take daily that is...

How Tall is a Giant?

One Sunday in church, my pastor spoke on the David and Goliath story described in 1 Samuel 17. This timeless story resonates in each of us as we go through different seasons of life. There are always new giants to overcome as we face health issues, relationship...

Daily Bible Reading Can Be Awesome

I know the routine. The desire to read your Bible everyday is there, you set a goal, and then you feel guilty when you don’t follow through. Many people are in this frustrating loop and become overwhelmed and discouraged. I understand. For years I felt the same way,...