Our Blog

Encouragement for every season of life

A Day of Rest

You know how sometimes you find yourself just dragging through the day? And then the day turns into days and you wish you could just WAKE UP! Well, that’s how I was feeling last week and I decided it was time to put an end to it. In the past, there have been times...

The Referee in Your Heart

  At a junior high girls’ basketball game, one of the parents in our eighth-grade fan section screamed at the referee and felt immediate remorse. “Time for a sucker!” she said. She popped it in her mouth and made a deliberate choice about who was going to...

The 10 Commandments of Leadership

Leadership is fun to study and interesting to dissect. The Bible is the best source for studying any topic, especially leadership. How would it look to view the 10 Commandments through the lens of leadership? The 10 Commandments are one of the most remarkable passages...

Mindful New Year

Everyone’s talking about New Year’s resolutions. Have you set any? Maybe your resolution is to set a resolution. Or have you resolved to not make any resolutions? Making New Year’s resolutions is definitely a common trend. What’s the point of making these resolutions?...

Overcoming Fear

“She’s fearless,” we overhear someone say about another person, usually after the woman has done something crazy like walk on a tightrope over Niagara Falls. And yes, there are a few people in history who have been seemingly fearless in their attempts to accomplish...

Returning to Work After Maternity Leave

Even though it’s been more than two years since I returned to work following the birth of our second (and last) child, it’s still so fresh in my mind. When my sister-in-law reached out to ask if I had any tips as she gets ready to make her own transition for the first...

10 Ways to Be Kind to Your Neighbor

It's the time of year that people make resolutions--things they hope to achieve in the coming year. I don't like the word "resolutions" because I can never seem to keep them, but I do like the word "goals." One of my goals for 2018 is to live a life of kindness and...

Prosciutto Wrapped Cheesy Broccoli Stuffed Chicken

I always have chicken in my fridge or freezer, but finding new ways to make a quick chicken dinner can be a challenge. However, if I can get a complete meal done using only one pan, that chicken challenge is one I welcome with open arms.  This dish has it all—meat,...

Why was Jesus Born?

As Christians, we all know that Christmas is so much more than a celebration of Christ’s birth.  Christmas is the celebration of the beginning of the fulfillment of God’s plan. The plan God put in motion in the garden of Eden is a response to sin by God Almighty...

A Shelf for my Hairbrush

I've been a mother now for seven years. Which means I have learned a thing or two. Of course I have many years ahead and many more lessons. But in these first seven years, the lesson that I have learned over and over and over and over and over again is that everything...

Minnesota Bridging The Gap, Female Leadership, Women Leading, Thrive Conference

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