Our Blog

Encouragement for every season of life

It’s Not About Me

One night as I was lying in bed, my 5-year-old nose picked up one of my favorite smells. As I entangled my fingers in my blankie, I realized that my parents had not only sent me to bed much too early but had also decided to make my very favorite treat without me! I...

Finding the Extra in My Ordinary

“What’s new?” It’s a question I hear all the time amongst friends. When asked of me, I seldom seem to have a good response. What is new? I don’t want to answer with “Well, yesterday I got all the laundry washed, dried, folded, and put away.” Because that seems a bit ....

The Joy of Intentional Gift-Giving

If holiday gift-giving has gotten away from you in the past, or if you can’t even imagine how you are going to budget for it this year, or make room for all the new toys, or add to the laundry pile of clothes, or manage your family’s screen-time with the next...

This One or That One? A Tough Decision

Carol Lund, director of Bridging the Gap, had just challenged a room of 3000 women present at the Thrive Conference to ask God to reveal his audacious love to them during the weekend. Afterwards, during a break and while shopping the many vendors that were present,...

What Should I Say?

Written with thanks to my friend Mark Brown, among a few others, who encouraged me to write on this topic. Well-intentioned people accidentally say hurtful things all the time. To a parent of a child with special needs, like me, this can be amplified. Here are some...

What Else is the IUD Doing in There?

Have you ever heard of an intrauterine device (IUD) as an option for birth control? I hadn’t heard much about it, except for a few friends getting them instead of using the pill. The following is my experience with this option. It may not have any of these effects on...

Without Counting

I was so irritated with my husband. The doctor had advised me to wake him every hour throughout the night. Earlier in the day, he’d braked too hard on an unfamiliar bike to avoid a collision and ended up flying over the handlebars, landing on his head—without a...

3 and 3

Three Things God Wants You to Own and Three Ways to Do It I remember the day my husband and I brought our first baby home from the hospital. The sheer terror of having the responsibility of caring and protecting a helpless infant overwhelmed me. Perhaps you are...

Appreciating Your Pastor

October has been dubbed Pastor Appreciation Month. Certificates to restaurants, gift cards to Walmart, an overnight at a B&B, and theater tickets are among the many awesome gifts given to my pastor-husband over the years. Each gift brightened our lives and filled...

Favorite Fall Soups

The days are cool and crisp, which can only mean one thing. It’s time to pull out the soup pot and try some yummy new recipes. Our team here at Bridging the Gap want to share our favorites with you. Beanless Chili When my friend was eating Paleo she posted how much...

Minnesota Bridging The Gap, Female Leadership, Women Leading, Thrive Conference

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