New Episodes Bi-Weekly
Overcoming Fear
“She’s fearless,” we overhear someone say about another person, usually after the woman has done something crazy like walk on a tightrope over Niagara Falls. And yes, there are a few people in history who have been seemingly fearless in their attempts to accomplish...
Returning to Work After Maternity Leave
Even though it’s been more than two years since I returned to work following the birth of our second (and last) child, it’s still so fresh in my mind. When my sister-in-law reached out to ask if I had any tips as she gets ready to make her own transition for the first...
10 Ways to Be Kind to Your Neighbor
It's the time of year that people make resolutions--things they hope to achieve in the coming year. I don't like the word "resolutions" because I can never seem to keep them, but I do like the word "goals." One of my goals for 2018 is to live a life of kindness and...