New Episodes Bi-Weekly
There Was the Cross
The words we speak reflect what is in our heart. When we open our mouth, our hearts are exposed. Whether we are conscious of it or not, wherever our hearts are focused, this is what we spend our time thinking and talking about. In turn, whatever we are thinking and...
Why Did You Wait So Long?
I was in over my head at work again—it certainly wasn’t the first time. Demands of my job were mounting, as were my responsibilities as Chairperson of the Christian group. I had some personal concerns weighing me down as well. Barely treading water, I had been...
When a Co-Worker is Grieving
Few things in life are more awkward than wanting to help a co-worker who is grieving—but not knowing how. Grief is one of those hard heartbreaks that words and actions can’t heal… but there are some things that make the grieving journey a little lighter. As someone...