As I was settling into my Monday morning work routine, a friend approached me and announced, “I prayed for you on my way to work today.” I’m always grateful for prayer and told her so. It was a great start to the workweek.

Her church had been given a challenge the previous morning; the congregation was asked to pray for someone God placed on each person’s heart every day for the coming week.

She had chosen me!

I was blessed to know God put me on her heart. I was comforted to know she was going to be praying for me. My friend’s generosity touched me.

“Do you need prayer today?” I recently asked another friend. “Oh, yes, I always need prayer,” she quickly replied. That struck me as a very wise answer. Her reply was filled with truth and wisdom.

A wise person knows there is always a need for prayer.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

Ephesians 6:18

God often prompts me to check in with a friend to see if there is a need for prayer only to find a great or immediate reason for prayer support. People are amazed when a friend makes such an offer at just the right moment.

God works that way.

I’ve been equally as surprised when a friend has done the same for me.

I’m quick to offer prayer to a friend now, knowing what a blessing this can be and knowing how it can meet an immediate need.

Sometimes, I ask for prayer, and other times my amazing friends just pray.

Offer to pray for a friend today. Your friend will be blessed. Ask God who you should bless in this manner, just as my friend did.

Praying for friends in the workplace is a privilege. I love to pray for my friends at work and I am encouraged to know my friends pray for me.

Taken from Walking in Faith: Stories of Hope and Encouragement for the Workplace by Shari Harris – Copyright © 2011 Shari J. Harris  – Used with Permission