New Episodes Bi-Weekly
Summer Boredom Busters for Kids
Looking for ways to bust kids’ boredom? Here’s a list of more than 40 at-home activities to consider: Go for a walk in the woods Host a family movie night with “fancy” popcorn (ours includes M&Ms) Make a craft like friendship bracelets Get creative with empty...
The Struggle
Outside my local grocery store, I stepped up to take a shopping cart from the long row. And there it was. The magnificent swallowtail butterfly struggled, fluttering madly against the plate glass window, only inches inside the alcove where the carts waited. A young...
Let’s Get Real
My pastor said something a few weeks back that really stuck. He said we believe in the things Jesus said and did and what the Bible says... but do we do the things that Jesus said and what the Bible says? Let's get real. We typically don't. We go about our days...