New Episodes Bi-Weekly

Welcome to the Bridging the Gap Podcast, where our mission is to help encourage, equip, and empower you in your faith journey with Jesus Christ!
Join our podcast host, Mykelti Blum, and incredible guests for authentic testimonies, equipping leadership tools, encouraging advice, and overall empowering conversations. These episodes will cover various topics that will leave you feeling refreshed, affirmed, challenged, joyful and closer to God! 


The “Send Me” Prayer

The “Send Me” Prayer

It's hard to unexpectedly lose your job. The uncertainty of how lost income will be replaced and how financial obligations will be met can cause much anxiety. I have been in this uncomfortable situation four times; each time felt more difficult than the previous one....

Taking Care of You

Taking Care of You

I don't think anyone would deny that these past few months have been challenging. Life has been anything but normal, and it can get overwhelming at times. It would be easy to beat yourself up by keeping a running list of all the things you think you should be doing or...

Flowers and Weeds

Flowers and Weeds

“You are a flower with such a sweet, wonderful fragrance! I bet that’s how people feel when they see you in the workplace,” my friend exuberantly proclaimed. While I appreciated her sincere compliment, I cringed inside knowing it wasn’t always true. Confessing to her...

Podcast Photos
Podcast Photo
Podcast with Ashley Darkenwald
Podcast with Susie Larson

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