New Episodes Bi-Weekly

Welcome to the Bridging the Gap Podcast, where our mission is to help encourage, equip, and empower you in your faith journey with Jesus Christ!
Join our podcast host, Mykelti Blum, and incredible guests for authentic testimonies, equipping leadership tools, encouraging advice, and overall empowering conversations. These episodes will cover various topics that will leave you feeling refreshed, affirmed, challenged, joyful and closer to God! 


Four Powerful Words

Four Powerful Words

The experts in analyzing human behavior tell us that people have two basic needs: To feel safe/secure and to feel in control. The physiological sensations I experience when I recollect times when I’ve experienced danger or felt out-of-control make me think there is...

Thrive: Thousands of Women Know You

Thrive: Thousands of Women Know You

How many people in your life truly know you? How many people surround you that understand your hopes and dreams and know your biggest fears? Do they know what you are passionate about? Do they know what your favorite food is? Do they know where you stand on important...

Am I Hard or Soft?

Am I Hard or Soft?

Have you had a passage of Scripture that bothers you or that you just don’t understand? I have several of them. One is Exodus 9:12, “But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart and he would not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the Lord had said to Moses” (NIV). Why is God...

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Podcast with Ashley Darkenwald
Podcast with Susie Larson

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