New Episodes Bi-Weekly
Beauty in the Fog
Do you ever feel as though thinking about your future is like looking through a dense fog? You can't see very far ahead. Maybe one step ahead, if that. I've been feeling like that lately—not sure what's next, how things are going to work out, or if they even will. A...
Just a Mom
There was once a time when I thought I would one day change the world by becoming Mother Theresa or someone similar (minus the nun part. I always liked boys too much for that "habit"—ha!). I thought maybe I would solve the world's hunger crisis or write a best-selling...
Just in Time
All day long, I had been blinking back tears as I thought about Bob and how much I missed him. It had been more than six months since he passed away from complications of Parkinson’s disease, but some days the melancholy thoughts and songs just wouldn’t leave my mind....