New Episodes Bi-Weekly
Girl, Shave Your Legs
Natural light—it illuminates so many things. As I sat in the sun one day, I was mortified to find a patch of hair, far too long for public viewing, growing on the front of my ankle. I was appalled at how many times I would’ve had to miss this spot for it to have grown...
Prescription for Life? Try Music
I really don’t like taking medications. Until I turned 60 years old, my medicine cabinet was empty, but now I am on four prescriptions. I have high hopes, though, of health improvements that will eliminate most of them. There is one prescription I take daily that is...
Called to be a Christian in Business
I loved going back to school as an adult. I adored getting my higher education at a Christian college. I literally loved every bit of it—looking at each subject through a Christian lens, starting classes with prayer, meeting fellow students who shared my love of Jesus...