Reaching Ten Years By the Skin of Our Teeth

This month, my husband and I will celebrate our 10-year anniversary. When my parents reached their 10-year mark, they celebrated with a large recommitment ceremony that included me wearing the 9-year-old equivalent of an awful bridesmaid dress. But despite the mark...

Keeping Track of Holiday Spending

Of all of the five love languages, I connect most with gifts. I absolutely adore giving people gifts! Somehow the lights and shimmer of the Christmas season put me under a spell that doesn’t wear off until sometime in mid-January. So it should come as no surprise that...

Being Thankful in the Midst of Crisis

It’s that time of year when Facebook blows up with posts full of things people are thankful for. Things like family, friends, homes, and income are usually exhausted the first few days of such postings. After that it gets a little more interesting. Suddenly people are...

A Family Tree Gift Everyone Will Love!

With Christmas around the corner, and budgets being stretched farther than ever before, I’ve been looking for ways to include homemade gifts a part of our giving this year. The trouble with homemade gifts though, is that I definitely don’t want to give a gift more...