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Encouragement for every season of life
Love’s Cost: Dealing with Grief

Love’s Cost: Dealing with Grief

One of the most beautiful things about humanity is how we connect with others. Through our interactions, we emotionally bond with friends and family. We pull those people close to our hearts, just as they draw us in. And when we lose them, we feel intense pain inside....

Who Are You?

Who Are You?

Whenever three-year-old Ava walks through our front door, I ask her that question. “Who are you?” It’s an answer I know before she says a word. All I have to do is look at her hair. One braid means she’s Princess Elsa, two braids means she’s Princess Anna, a braid...

Four Powerful Words

Four Powerful Words

The experts in analyzing human behavior tell us that people have two basic needs: To feel safe/secure and to feel in control. The physiological sensations I experience when I recollect times when I’ve experienced danger or felt out-of-control make me think there is...

Thrive: Thousands of Women Know You

Thrive: Thousands of Women Know You

How many people in your life truly know you? How many people surround you that understand your hopes and dreams and know your biggest fears? Do they know what you are passionate about? Do they know what your favorite food is? Do they know where you stand on important...

Am I Hard or Soft?

Am I Hard or Soft?

Have you had a passage of Scripture that bothers you or that you just don’t understand? I have several of them. One is Exodus 9:12, “But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart and he would not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the Lord had said to Moses” (NIV). Why is God...

Called to Trust: A Thrive Conference Story

Called to Trust: A Thrive Conference Story

Have you attended the Thrive Conference? Every year, we're amazed at the way it works in the lives of women who join us. Today’s story is courtesy of Molly, who writes about her experience at Thrive in 2015. Want to join in on the fun? This year's theme is Adamant...

Why I Won’t Miss the Thrive Conference

Choose joy! These two words were part of the theme for the first Bridging the Gap women’s conference I attended several years ago, and became an impactful part of my life afterward that I still remember today. Since then, I have attended numerous spring conferences...

Know Thy Parenting Limits

Know Thy Parenting Limits

Sometimes parents know how to respect their parental limits, and sometimes they don't. Sometimes they make smart choices...and sometimes they find themselves at the Mall of America the day after Black Friday...with all three children! (You guys, what was I thinking?!)...

Beauty in the Fog

Beauty in the Fog

Do you ever feel as though thinking about your future is like looking through a dense fog? You can't see very far ahead. Maybe one step ahead, if that. I've been feeling like that lately—not sure what's next, how things are going to work out, or if they even will. A...

Just a Mom

Just a Mom

There was once a time when I thought I would one day change the world by becoming Mother Theresa or someone similar (minus the nun part. I always liked boys too much for that "habit"—ha!). I thought maybe I would solve the world's hunger crisis or write a best-selling...

Minnesota Bridging The Gap, Female Leadership, Women Leading, Thrive Conference

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