Our Blog
Encouragement for every season of lifeJust in Time
All day long, I had been blinking back tears as I thought about Bob and how much I missed him. It had been more than six months since he passed away from complications of Parkinson’s disease, but some days the melancholy thoughts and songs just wouldn’t leave my mind....
Precious in His Sight
When we flipped the calendar to March this year, we also flipped to a new chapter in our lives. Our children are now 13 and 11, and with the passing of my 40th birthday last fall, I no longer consider myself a “young mom.” Those early years of motherhood are hard,...
When Cookies Demonstrate Forgiveness
Beloved, I’m a strange creature by nature. My body likes to be awake during daylight, but my brain is a stubborn night owl. The darkest hours are when my mind is most active, weaving stories from shadows. Sometimes I give in to the creativity because I frustrate...
Interview with a Volunteer
The Single Moms Retreat is one of the highlights of the year at Bridging the Gap. Single moms from all over Minnesota gather to be nourished spiritually and physically. From amazing worship and speakers to the Diva Boutique and the Spa, these hard-working mommas leave...
Rest is a Weapon
Recently my kindergartner was reading a book to me and sped through a sentence so fast she might as well have been reading in another language. She exhaled after she did this, though, and quietly said, "Just slow down ... slow down," and then read the sentence again...
Praying in the Restroom
I heard her weeping and didn't know what to do. It wasn't exactly a convenient time for a divine appointment. After all, I was in the middle of a busy workday and had only run to the restroom for a few necessary moments. As I was heading back to my desk, I faced a...
What’s in Your Hand?
When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses wasn’t so sure he was up for the challenge. The conversation between Moses and God is quite lengthy because Moses argued with God for a good bit (like that was going to get him anywhere). We’re going to...
Love to Listen? Try Our Favorite Podcasts
Looking for a little audio inspiration? Podcasts offer a wealth of information on every topic under the sun. Our group of writers compiled a list of some of our favorites: Faith-Driven Encouragement: I love “Pray Every Day” by Mary Demuth. Each day, she spends five...
A MEME to Remember
My maternal grandmother became a single mom when her husband died of cancer. She unexpectedly found herself a young mother of a 2-year-old daughter. Alone. Her world was changed forever as she stood beside that deathbed. But she was a praying woman, and her prayers...
When It Doesn’t Feel Like Easter
Easter is mere days away. The weather anchor has been forecasting the best time for egg hunts, after-church dinner plans are in place, and the kids are off school. Maybe you even purchased Easter candy early, which only backfired. Unless I’m the only one who has...