Seeking through Questioning

How I would describe my thought life for the past four months is fuzzy with an extra dose of questions. It seems like my brain has been overwrought with how’s and why’s and what’s and everything in between that could end with a question mark. In the middle of all this...

Coming to Terms with an Imperfect Faith

If there are two elements that have characterized my faith since I started seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus about four years ago, they would be doubt and cynicism. Is that an oxymoron, “doubtful faith”? In any case, I think it’s the truth. I feel gutted to...

God Does Not Misdial

A call to leadership can come in a variety of ways. It can come through people as well as circumstances. I was alone in the atrium of my company’s world headquarters when God prompted me to step into a leadership position. I thought the call was a wrong number. My...