When You Just Need a Break

I sit down while smiling at the other ladies around the table, fumbling to put down my baby’s car seat, diaper bag, and favorite toy. I let out an audible sigh. I’m glad to see these lovely women, looking forward to a night of planning for an upcoming...

Pee in a Cup

I was nineteen when I had my first child, John. John was quick to talk, and by the time he was two-and-a-half, he was asking “Why?” He asked questions about everything. Why do we brush our teeth? Why is the cat licking itself? Why do we have seat belts? You get the...

Mom, You are Enough

Did I catch your eye with the title? Did you peer further, secretly hoping that what I said in the title is true? It is. You are. You, as you are, in this moment, are enough and I need you to know that. Even more, your kids need you to know that. Didn’t do the...

New Mommy Madness

My oldest son is 20 years old, and it’s been a long time since I’ve had a baby in the house. As I was organizing some books the other day, a single journal entry fluttered out of a notebook and caught my attention. I looked at the date: April 1993. Then I started...