by Renee Garrick | Jul 21, 2020 | Life Issues
Outside my local grocery store, I stepped up to take a shopping cart from the long row. And there it was. The magnificent swallowtail butterfly struggled, fluttering madly against the plate glass window, only inches inside the alcove where the carts waited. A young...
by Kristen Ostrem | Mar 30, 2017 | Faith
Stop Striving; Come Know Me A poem by Kristen Ostrem You don’t have to strive, and you don’t have to hide. Pretending, performing, and masking are facades that all root from pride. You’re afraid you’re not good enough, disappointed you...
by Jayne Poli | Jan 28, 2016 | General
Just like everyone else, I want to be a winner in life. I’m sure you do too. “Winning” may cause you to think of the perception of you, the character of who you really are, and giving the best effort to do the best of which you are capable. One definition of...
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