Why Genealogies Matter

Why Genealogies Matter

What do you think of when you look at the genealogies in the Bible? Do they excite you or bore you? For me, these genealogies have been easy to skip over or just read through quickly. They don’t always mean much to me, especially the ones in the Old Testament. A...

Linguistique Humility

This fall semester I’m studying abroad in Aix-en-Provence, France at IAU College. While here I’m studying french literature, history, linguistics, and art through the french language. A term abroad in a francophone country is a requirement for all french majors, so...

Are You “Uploading” Enough?

Tim Elmore, in his book Generation iY, explains the fact that most young people today learn and interact through “uploading.” They engage in forums and activities via their various devices where they can indicate opinions, perspectives, and preferences continuously...