Big Things Come Through Preparation

I am praying that 2017 will be a year of great miracles. God has promised us that he will enable us to perform many amazing works, even greater than Jesus performed while here on earth. In John 14:12, Jesus says, “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will...

Three Strategies for Leadership

Three Strategies for Leadership: In Luke 6:40 Jesus said, “The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher.” As a leader you are taking people to places they have yet to be.  You are forging a trail by building the...

5 Simple Ways to Invest in People

As a leader, you have the ability to help those on your team stretch and expand their gifts and serve the Lord with excellence. That is why it is so important to invest in people well.  Here are five important focuses to invest in your team members: The number one way...

The Stories that Matter Most

Last night I came across a woman’s story. She was sharing about some struggles she’s currently facing and what she’s doing to find joy, even in the midst of walking through hardships. And for whatever reason, her words were like rain after a long drought I didn’t even...

Rotten Fruit

Leadership. It’s not just a title. It’s not just a status. It’s character. Even if you don’t feel you are a “leader” type, you can still lead simply by doing what is right. There are many different “hot potato” topics in...