So You Want to Be the Boss?

So you want to be the boss? At some point or another, everyone dreams of leaving his or her job and becoming the person in charge. Maybe you are tired of doing seemingly ridiculous tasks, or you want the freedom to dictate the hours you work. If you were Queen for a...

Leggings in the Workplace?

Is it okay to wear leggings in the workplace? The thought almost curls my hair! Wait, I already have curly hair. Maybe I’ve been shocked a bit too much by what I’ve seen? Just so you know, I’m laughing as I write this, but when I hear that question, I want to shout...

When We Don’t Embrace Our Whole Self

It was years ago — over a decade — and yet it is forever etched vividly in my mind’s eye. I was at a basket weaving class (yes, there is actually such a thing; yes, it is actually a lot of fun; and for those of you thinking of the college credit...