Do you ever find your joy lacking during the holiday season?  

The holiday traffic. The endless searching for a parking space. The lengthy lines. The countless potlucks and parties. The desperate search for amazing gifts for an ever-increasing list of people. The debate over whether to do Christmas pictures, cards, letters and/or an e-newsletter. 

Suddenly the reason for the season is overshadowed by all the details and demands on our time. Instead of rejoicing, we stress over our stretched finances. Instead of celebrating, we vie with others about who has the most events to attend. Instead of peace, we worry how we will get everything done in time. The joy of the Perfect Gift to us becomes no more than a flickering thought as we try to locate the ideal gift for our incredibly picky uncle. 

In the midst of the holiday chaos, how can we find the words seen on Christmas cards: love, joy, peace, hope, blessings, etc.? Those sentiments seem as elusive as a child trying to catch Santa coming down the chimney.

Will you stop and take a few moments to ponder:

What is the meaning of Christmas for you? 

Are you able to focus any time on what Christmas means to you or are your time and energy used up fulfilling holiday obligations? 

What  would you like to focus on between now and Christmas? 

What would need to change for you to be able to do that?


 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.