It was one of those days. Challenges were obvious and abundant on every corner, and the day just kept getting harder. Financial concerns, issues over which I have no control, and sharing other people’s pain… it was all taking its toll. Tears felt imminent throughout the day, and a few times I had let them flow. I kept reminding myself that God is in control, and that he is able to provide for every situation. But to tell you the truth, I was beginning to feel like a dark cloud was coming for me.
My evening duties had been completed, and I decided to check Facebook for some evening updates when I saw her post. Susanne Cox is a real, live person – a minister that I fiercely admire – but it sounded like it came straight from the heart of God to me.
Her post said, “Sometimes we forget that two fish and some bread is enough for a MIRACLE! Instead, we have a pity-party and head on into failure. #praiselife”
Ouch. Yes. I was beginning to throw quite a pity party for myself regarding a few of the situations that had worried my day. I was walking down a path of which I do not want to travel. Her reminder turned me around on a dime.
Susanne’s post referenced a miracle that Jesus accomplished in Israel, which was recorded in the Bible.
Mark 6:30-44 tells that Jesus and the disciples were tired after a tour of ministry, and they decided to go out into a boat to find some peace and quiet on the lake. But the crowds followed along the shore and kept asking for Jesus to teach them. Jesus had compassion on them, the passage records, and they came to the shore and Jesus taught them for hours. Realizing that the dinner hour was upon them, the disciples told Jesus he’d better let the people leave, as it was a several hours’ walk to the next town, and the people were getting hungry already. Jesus told the disciples to feed the people. The disciples responded that it would take many months’ wages to feed so many people – 5,000 men, plus women and children. Jesus responded by asking what food was already available. After they searched, they brought back a small boy’s lunch (probably packed by his very insightful mother that morning): five small loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus prayed over it, divided it up, and began passing it out to the people. Every person was fed till they were full, and there were 12 baskets of leftovers collected after they were finished.
And then, two chapters later in Mark 8:1-8, it’s recorded that he did it again. That time Jesus fed 4,000 men (plus women and children) with just seven small loaves of bread and a few fish. Seven baskets of leftovers were collected after that impromptu meal.
Sometimes it’s not about what we need. It may not even be about us at all. If we are willing to give what we DO have to Jesus, the possibilities are endless as to what he can do. That’s where faith steps in and challenges us to believe for things we can’t yet see (Hebrews 11:1). Faith challenges us to anticipate Jesus meeting the need.
I still don’t know how some of the impossible things I see on the horizon will work out. There is still not enough money to fix what needs to be fixed. I do not have all the answers I seek. But I choose to trust. I will pray and give what I have to Jesus, lift my hands in faith with my small offering, and watch and wait to see how he will respond. And if I don’t see the answer by tomorrow, I will choose to do it again. We can choose to watch and wait for the Lord to provide for each and every need.
Walt Disney said, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” And I would say, “It’s kind of fun to watch God do the impossible.”
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