Are You “Uploading” Enough?

Tim Elmore, in his book Generation iY, explains the fact that most young people today learn and interact through “uploading.” They engage in forums and activities via their various devices where they can indicate opinions, perspectives, and preferences continuously...

Recapturing the Ordinary

One evening in early December, the subject of Christmas came up. Excitedly, my oldest son asked, “Remember last year when we made a birthday cake for Jesus? That was cool.” And of course, I didn’t remember until he said it. Because with all the busyness of the season...

Feeling Like a Teenager

I’ve been married to my husband for more than six years now, have been a homeowner for nearly seven years, and have two children. Yet there’s still a part of me that thinks that someday, sometime, someone will come to my door and say, “Good job, but it’s time to go...

Nancy’s White Chicken Chili

Nothing sounds better on a cold winter night than a warm bowl of soup. But, I’m not one to just give you a recipe. You have to hear the story behind it. Because, when I create a recipe it’s somewhat miraculous, and it’s bound to be amusing. Many years ago, shortly...