Episode 78: a conversation with Rev. Dr. Dan Lowery and Andrew Cress and our podcast host, Mykelti Blum. Dr. Lowery is the President of Pillar Seminary, a Bible scholar, and an associate professor of New Testament, and Andrew is the seminary’s Vice President for Administration and Finance, a teacher, and self-professed nerd. In this episode, Dr. Lowery and Andrew share about Pillar Seminary and how it has become a great resource for women in ministry and women growing in leadership. You will hear discussion on why it is important to understand the context and culture of the Bible and learn about the concept of biblical fluency. This conversation also has encouragement for those feeling led to teach the Bible.

BTG Events & Resources:

  • 2024 Thrive Conference
    • October 11-12, 2024
    • Mayo Civic Center (Rochester, MN)
    • Main Sessions, Workshop Sessions, Dinner with Hosanna Wong, Lunch with Speakers, the Thrive After-Party, Shopping, and More!
    • Groups of 40 or More Who Register by September 20 Will Receive Reserved Seating.
    • Register:
      • The Adult Early Bird deadline is August 31.
      • First-time guests to Thrive in Rochester can register for ONLY $20.
      • FREE ticket for 2024 High School Grads! Email info@mnbtg.org to request your coupon code. (Tickets are not transferrable to non-2024-high-school grads.)
  • 2025 Bridging the Gap Leadership Conference 
    • February 21-22
    • Lake Geneva Christian Center (Alexandria, MN)
    • Featuring Charlotte Gambill
    • Main Sessions, Workshops, After-Party, Cozy up North Activities, Networking, and More!
    • Register: mnbtg.org/leadership.
  • 2025 Single Moms Retreat 
    • June 6-7, 2025
    • Lake Geneva Christian Center (Alexandria, MN)
    • Featured Guests: Micah MacDonald, Mykelti Blum, & Stephanie MacDonald (worship)
    • Main Sessions, Multiple Breakouts, Lots of FREE Activities and Giveaways.
    • Learn More & Register to Attend or Volunteer: mnbtg.org/retreat.
  • BTG Missions
    • Learn About the 2023/2024 BTG Missions Partners, and Give a Year-End Gift Toward Our $500,000 Goal: mnbtg.org/missions.
    • Sign up to receive information when future mission trips become available: mnbtg.org/trips.
  • 2025 Garden Coffee
    • Free missional event for women and girls of all ages!
    • July 5, 2025, at Lake Geneva Christian Center in Alexandria, MN.
    • Enjoy refreshments, worship together, and hear from a MN global worker. You’ll also have the opportunity to invest into missions (to support our 1000 Sisters fund).
    • Learn more at mnbtg.org/1000sisters.
    • No RSVP required; invite your family and church community!
  • Download the Bridging the Gap app (search in your app store or use this direct link), visit us at mnbtg.org, and follow @MNBTG on Facebook and Instagram, and LinkedIn to stay up to date on more from Bridging the Gap!

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