Lent Remixed

Lent. Although my childhood church observed the season with several Lenten traditions that I cherished, I never understood the “why” behind Lent. And, as an adult, when the churches I attended did not observe Lent, my Lenten observances lapsed into distant but fond...

Embracing an Imperfect Christmas

As I sighed heavily this past week over my unfinished Christmas to-do list, I was gently reminded of lesson I learned (and keep relearning) this past summer. It was after a hot day spent doing yard projects and housework that my husband invited our neighbors over for...

Freedom from Unforgiveness

This is the sixth story in our “Freedom From…” Series, an 8-week series featuring women who have faced adversity and found freedom in the process. It was a childhood hurt that Sarah carried with her into young adulthood, but the lesson it taught her about forgiveness...

The Voices in My Head

Sometimes, I hear voices. In my head. It really isn’t multiple voices, it is one small voice that I’ve come to recognize as my own personal little Debbie Downer who loves to tell me all the ways in which I don’t measure up. Ms. Downer was out in full...

Advent Acts of Kindness

It was the day after Halloween, and as I swept into a local store to grab a few items I skidded to a halt in disbelief: Christmas trees. Up. Decorated. What the what?!? I almost checked the date on my phone to make sure I hadn’t accidentally skipped 30 or so days....