
It’s Wednesday morning. I’ve just finished getting my kids up and ready for the day when I get the phone call. “Honey, I have some news,” I hear my mom’s voice on the line. “Uncle Jimmy had a heart attack last night, he’s gone.” What? I think. How? What happened? I’m...

I Wish I Was Funny…

Sometimes I wish I was funny. Not so much in real life, but in the way that I write and speak. I have listened to others and wished I had the ability to make people laugh. Most of the time my writings come from hard experiences of my life, vulnerable places, places...


“Mommy, whose tummy did you come from?” Jasmine, my four year old, asked one early morning while lying in bed with me. It’s a common conversation in our house, babies coming from mommies’ tummies. “Grandma Annie,” I reply. “And Abe came from your tummy?” “Yes.” “Did...

Surviving Family Holiday Gatherings

While the idea of getting together with extended family during the Christmas season is exciting for some, others are filled with dread, hoping for a valid excuse to leave early or not attend at all (“Oh, our car broke down on the way, what a bummer!”). But no matter...