Savoring this Life

“Look, I know you don’t want to hear this, but if anything should happen to me…” He pauses, takes a breath. Heart stuttering, I rush to interrupt. “Stop. Just – stop. Nothing’s going to happen to you–” Ignoring me, he plows on. “Talk to Chris, he can give you the...

I’m On Your Side

Facing my five-year-old, I see her vibrating with rage. Her continued disobedience had spiraled into a situation where rather than the five books she usually gets to look at quietly during bedtime, she was now down to two books and precariously close to losing...

5 Books to Read this Winter

You might have seen the list of 26 Books to Read in 2015 – I filled mine out in January – but I wanted to also share some of the books I’ve been loving lately, in case you’re looking for something but don’t want to get overwhelmed by 26 books. Here’s a list of...

When You Feel Like a Fraud

“What’s so bad about your life, anyway?” he spat at me. I recoiled from the tone – and the truth – of his words. Though our argument was resolved within the next ten minutes, the words remained, beating within my head, resonating in my heart. Because the truth is –...

Love Wins. The End.

You would think that after seven years of marriage and the two children that have followed, the luster would wear a bit thin on love. And if I’m honest, there are days when it does. Days when we’ve stepped on one too many tiaras in the living room or Noelle is waving...